Objectives and Context

Clean air is fundamental for maintaining both human health and ecosystems on which our societies rely. However, since the industrial revolution, the quality of the air that people breathe has deteriorated considerably - mainly as a result of human activities such as increased industrial and energy production and traffic, all of which were enabled by the burning of fossil fuels.

The need to reduce outdoor and indoor air pollution has been recognized for several decades and measures have been taken at national and international levels. Despite significant improvements, serious air pollution problems still persist worldwide and are becoming increasingly complex due to local and regional specificities as well as more frequent extreme events linked to climate change (droughts, heatwaves, megafires…).

Consequently, a scientifically sound understanding of the physical and chemical processes affecting air quality and impact on health and ecosystems is more essential than ever to disclose the key reasons for regional complex air pollution problems and for the effective implementation of control measures.

The aim of the Sino-French Joint Workshops on Atmospheric Environment series is to bring together scientists from different fields (chemistry, physics, meteorology, epidemiology,…), industry and representatives of local governments (e.g., cities, regions…), to share their recent progress in research into complex, local, regional and global air pollution.

These conferences have been successfully held since 2008, alternatively in China and France and they have provided the opportunity for fruitful cooperation among interdisciplinary scientists. Most of these workshops led to the publication of dedicated issues of Journal of Environmental Sciences.

The 8th Sino-French Workshop will be held on November 6-9, 2024 at Bordeaux, France and will again provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on current research advances in complex regional air pollution research and address various issues related to air quality improvement and future challenges including pollution status, formation mechanisms, source apportionments, control techniques and regulations in a changing climate.

While dedicated to Sino-French cooperation, this conference will also be opened to participants from other countries, reflecting transboundary nature of atmospheric chemistry.

The topics to be addressed are:

  • Pollution characteristics and source apportionment of primary and secondary air pollutants;
  • Physical, chemical processes and mechanisms of air pollution;
  • Eco-environment influence and role of air masses from different origins mixture on air pollution;
  • Climate and health effects of air pollutants;
  • Modification of air pollution features with climate change;
  • Relative importance of anthropogenic vs biogenic sources and chemistry;
  • Control techniques of primary air pollutants;
  • Control strategy, policy and countermeasures of air pollution in a changing climate;
  • Trends, regulation and response of climate change.


Abstract Submission Deadline: October 9th

Registration and Payment Deadline: Octobrer 9th

For french attendees, after on line registration you will be contacted to finalize the payment

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